Get strong, together.


Kick bad habits and build a healthier lifestyle this summer by plugging into our new skills-focused peer groups!

The Recovery Resources Holistic Coaching Program (HCP) was designed to help our clients build healthier lifestyles that support long-term recovery and/or personal resilience. The HCP is strengths-based and client-focused, meaning we work one-on-one with you to empower your own unique set of natural strengths and abilities. HCP clients get to build strength, confidence and skills that directly relate to their life and their individual goals. Plus, they get to develop a lifestyle framework that makes it possible to achieve those goals. 

One-on-one coaching is an amazing starting point, and GROUP support is truly life-changing!

That’s why we’re expanding our HCP Program this summer to provide more opportunities for our clients to get group support. This means you’ll be able to get connected with your peers in small, close-knit groups called Coaching Circles. With 4-5 people per Circle, these groups give you the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with others who are equally focused on creating positive change and growth in their lives. 

“With my coach's guidance I have been supported to untangle, understand and let go of habits and behaviors that undermined my well being and self worth.”

-current HCP client

Our new Coaching Circles will be focused on learning and practicing key mindfulness skills that help us manage stress, worry and fear in everyday life. 

What is mindfulness? 

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for positive change. With a framework of core daily practices, mindfulness gives us the chance to build a healthier, purpose-driven lifestyle from the ground up. It helps us develop the skills we need to live with purpose each day. Mindfulness practices also help us break free from the overwhelm of stress, worry and fear, so that we can grow our self worth and bring joy back into our lives.  

Get started with mindfulness this summer

We’re really excited to start hosting mindfulness-focused peer groups this summer! Groups provide an awesome way for people to learn these important skills and apply them to daily life. You’ll get to practice new skills each week and share your experience with your peers. Through group discussion and story-sharing, you’ll get a much better understanding of how useful mindfulness skills are, and how they can help you build a healthier, more joyful lifestyle. 

Groups give you a chance to jump-start positive change 

If you’re ready to gain skills, kick bad habits and jump-start positive change in your life, take advantage of our small-group Coaching Circles to achieve your goals with the help of a strong and compassionate peer group. It’s an awesome opportunity to build a genuine community of support. 

We hope you join us!




Kelsey Brasseur, INHC
Recovery Resources Program Director

Kelsey Brasseur, Development Director

Kelsey Brasseur serves as Development Director for Recovery Resources. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator. 


Get motivated with mini-goals.


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