Get motivated with mini-goals.


Start your own Daily Intention-Setting Practice!

This is a daily reflection practice that helps us purposefully live each day as the person we want to become. You can adapt and copy this reflection flow into your favorite journal.

  1. Morning: set your intention and goals for the day

    What’s my intention today? (your intention should support your core values and your desired growth points)

    Example: “My intention is to treat my coworkers with compassion today.”

    How can I live and embody this intention today? (set 2 or 3 mini-goals to help you stay on track throughout the day)

    What skills/strengths will help me live my intention today? 

  2. Mid-day: 2 or 3 short check-ins throughout your day

    How are my mini-goals going?

    Am I struggling with anything right now that’s blocking me from achieving these goals? 

    Am I using my skills/strengths well?

  3. Evening: reflection time

    What did I do today that I can be proud of, and why was it skillful?

    What did I do today that I’m not proud of, and why was it unskillful?

    What can I learn from today’s experience, and do better with tomorrow?

Want to learn more? 

Join a Mindfulness Peer Group this summer to learn and practice more skills like this! Our 8-week Mindfulness Peer Groups kick off June 1st. These groups are focused on developing the skills you need to build a healthier lifestyle that supports long-term recovery and/or resilience. If you’re struggling with stress and are battling bad habits or emotional exhaustion, this is the group for you!

The Groups:

Mindfulness groups are small, close-knit circles of 4-6 people on similar journeys of recovery or resilience. You can look forward to meaningful connection and a truly genuine circle of support. These peer groups are all about compassion, learning and shared experience, so you’ll not only get to receive great support, but also use your own experiences to help others grow too. 

Group Costs: 

8-week Mindfulness Peer Group: $300 (scholarships are available)

Peer Coaching Circle: $160 per month (This is available to all graduates of our 8-week mindfulness groups and current Recovery Resources clients.)

Join the waitlist for your group of choice!




Kelsey Brasseur, INHC
Recovery Resources Program Director

Kelsey Brasseur, Development Director

Kelsey Brasseur serves as Development Director for Recovery Resources. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator. 


5 awesome ways to beat stress and restore balance


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