Move more, stress less.

Two people run on a mountain trail

In June we started talking about ways to reduce stress in our daily lives. We created a cheat sheet with our top 5 stress reduction strategies for summer. One of the most powerful strategies on that list is also the simplest: moving the body.

One of the best and most proven ways to reduce stress is to move your body!¹ Movement could be running or yoga or even dancing in your kitchen. Why is movement so effective for stress relief? Well, movement actually helps us complete the loop of our “fight or flight” response to a perceived threat (stress). It mimics our natural survival response and gives the signal to our body + brain that we’ve taken action to get ourselves away from the threat and toward safety.²

When our brain feels like we’re safe, it naturally lets go of stress. 

From our brain’s perspective, when we’re moving, we’re completing that “fight or flight” response loop; from threat to action to resolution. And resolution means we can get back to being more focused, happy and healthy. 

Keep reading to discover 5 simple ideas for using movement to break free from stress this summer. These ideas will also help you start building a healthy stress-relief routine for creating better balance in daily life 


Social media photo with man dancing in kitchen


Five fun ideas for using movement to relieve stress this summer:

  1. Get out on trail

    If you have access to wilderness areas, city parks or other local trail systems, trail time is a true winner for fun and easy stress reduction. You can run, hike, bike, meander or stroll, whatever feels good to your body. Being active in the great outdoors is a wonderful way to clear the mind, get grounded and deepen your connection to the place you live. Running, hiking and biking are also just great exercise, and will give the body many other health benefits as well. 

  2. Take a cruise on your bike

    The sensation of cruising around town on your bike is sure to bring a smile to your face and help you beat stress this summer. Biking is a fun and gentle way to include movement in your day, since there’s very little impact on your body and its joints. Some people love just biking through their neighborhood, but you can also give yourself a mission and replace car time with bike time; like biking to the store to pick up dinner ingredients, or biking to/from work. 

  3. Dance

    Seriously! Even just turning up the jams and dancing to some favorite songs in your kitchen will do wonders for relieving stress. It’s easy and totally low pressure. There’s no one around to judge your dance moves or your sense of rhythm. You just get to MOVE your body and be authentically you. If you’re feeling more social, you can also grab a group of friends and head out to enjoy some live music or your favorite dance vibes together. Bringing friends into the mix can also add that ultimate bonus stress-reducer: laughter! 

  4. River time

    There’s no better way to beat the heat (and stress) of summer than connecting with our rivers! Whether this is paddle-boarding, boating, fly fishing, swimming or another activity, just being in the water is incredible therapy for a busy mind. We all know the relaxing feeling that comes with listening to the rhythm of moving water, and tapping into that feeling can really help calm the mind so we can let go of stress. No matter what river activity we personally enjoy, spending time playing in the water is rejuvenating in many ways. 

  5. Yard work

    This one might sound weird, but if you have a yard, it might provide the perfect opportunity for you to release stress this summer. Outdoor “chores” like chopping wood, weeding, raking leaves or grass clippings, pruning trees and gardening are often very therapeutic. These activities give you a chance to be outside, to let your mind rest and to move your body in a very different way than traditional exercise. You’ll get to activate all kinds of different movement patterns as you use various tools and move things around the yard. And as you move, you’ll be able to rest your mind and let go of stress, since these chores usually aren’t brain-busters. If you don’t have your own yard, you might consider helping out an elderly neighbor or family member who might not be able to get this stuff done on their own.


You can add any of these ideas into your daily or weekly routine by devoting just 20-30 minutes to them after the work day, or on the weekend. Whichever strategies you choose, remember to appreciate the space you're creating to process the day’s events and release stress. It's a great step toward a more balanced body and mind!

Want to learn more about reducing stress? 

Check out these readings:

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski

Stress Basics. Mayo Clinic.

Stress Relief. Mayo Clinic.

Explore our programs:

Holistic Coaching Program

Mindfulness Peer Groups


  1. Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. Mayo Clinic.

  2. Nagoski E, Nagoski A. Burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle. Ballantine Books; 2019.

Kelsey Brasseur, Development Director

Kelsey Brasseur serves as Development Director for Recovery Resources. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator. 


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