Out of the Cold, Into Hope


We’re getting our people out of the cold this winter.

The Recovery Resources Street Outreach Team has been working diligently to provide support, resources, and hope for our unsheltered community during this busy and snow-packed season. When the Winter Overnight Shelter closed on December 23rd, our Outreach Navigators, with support from Executive Director Janelle Duhon, sprung into action to find over a dozen hotel rooms in the Roaring Fork Valley for people who need safe shelter. Not only were people provided with appropriate accommodations, but our team also continues to provide one-on-one support and coaching, bus passes, food and other necessary resources to help those in need as we work together to find permanent housing solutions. 

We are so proud of the incredible work our Street Outreach Team is doing!

 One of our Outreach Navigators shared an amazing success story earlier this year:

Their client had lost housing due to a significant rent increase that they couldn’t afford. Even though they were actively employed, it was not enough income to afford the rent increase. Typically, this situation would result in loss of housing, employment and overwhelming hopelessness, anxiety, fear, desperation, depression and possibly a crisis-type situation. Fortunately, our Navigator was able to bring comfort, reason and resources to this person during a very trying and emotional time. The client was placed into emergency shelter, and a few months later into permanent housing. They were able to maintain employment and start fresh in a new space; even receiving support by way of thrift store vouchers to furnish their new home!  

There are many more stories like this one, and we are blessed by the heartfelt efforts of our community and our Outreach Navigator Team, who continue to work tirelessly on behalf of their clients. Even when there are bumps in the road, they don’t give up hope for what could be. 

photograph of daniel kail


Daniel Kail
Unsheltered Outreach Program Clinical Director


Do you know someone experiencing homelessness or loss of housing? Our team can help!



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Kelsey Brasseur, Development Director

Kelsey Brasseur serves as Development Director for Recovery Resources. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator. 


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