What’s your Story?

White man smiling and sitting at a table across from another person

We’re on a mission to gather people’s stories about the recovery journey, and we want to hear yours! Why? Well, there’s a few reasons...


Sharing your story inspires others.

We can all probably remember a time when we’ve gotten super inspired by what someone else has accomplished or experienced. This is totally true for recovery as well, and it’s why Peer support is such a key part of successful substance use treatment programs. When we can lean into the knowledge that someone else has gone through the same battle that we’re facing, we don’t feel so alone. And when we know that others have won those battles, we can imagine how we could do it too. We can find greater faith and strength to weather the ups and downs of the journey, whatever may come our way. 

Sharing your story helps us help others.

Our goal is to provide client-focused recovery care that honors each individual’s unique needs. We work hard to meet people wherever they’re at on the journey with the most compassionate, effective substance use treatment planning and support that we can. 

To keep doing that, we need to hear from you! 

  • What worked well and motivated you during your recovery journey?

  • What did you struggle most with?

  • What support did you really need that you couldn’t find, or couldn’t get access to?

  • Where are you now on the path to a healthy recovery lifestyle?

When we think about providing the best client-focused care possible, all of these questions are important. Sharing your story helps us learn and adapt, so we can support all of our clients in a meaningful way. 

We hope to gather many stories of recovery from the Roaring Fork Valley, Summit County and beyond. The inspiration and insight from everyone’s experiences will be of incredible value to our staff, clients and other people facing the battle with substance use. 



Keep your eyes on this:

We’ll be doing some story spotlights over the next year, and once we gather enough, we’ll also create a story summary that we can share back to the community as a resource we can all use for supporting our friends and loved ones! 

You can share your recovery story anonymously on our website by clicking below. 


See you next week!



Kelsey Brasseur, INHC
Director of Recovery Programs


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Kelsey Brasseur, Development Director

Kelsey Brasseur serves as Development Director for Recovery Resources. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator. 


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